For more than 10 years, I’ve been designing applications with a focus not only on how it would look (user interface) but also how it would feel and function (user experience).
In all these years, I’ve been honored to work with some amazing companies like Kum & Go, Kaleo, and more not just as a designer, but as a partner combining strategy, design and research to deliver engaging digital products.
Currently working at Provi leading the creation and evolution of Design System, as well as architecting experiences for the suppliers, bars, restaurants and retailers.
From flowmaps, wireframes and prototypes to visual designs, it’s a never ending journey on the path to expand my expertise.
From flowmaps, wireframes and prototypes to visual designs, it’s a never ending journey on the path to expanding my skillset.
Improve the current app experience by introducing elements of dynamism, surprise, and delight that would lead to customer engagement.
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Design a smart application that enables real-time visibility into shipment’s location, predictive analysis for demand forecasting and more.
Redesign the app allow medical professionals and parents of preemie babies to be able to communicate and ask/answer any concerns they might have.
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For any work inquiry, project collaboration, consultation and/or partnership, please reach out to me by sending me a message. I'd be happy to help.
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