Available for part-time consulting
Available for part-time consulting

Fetch Rewards

My Role: Senior Product Designer | Interaction Designer | Design Systems
Crafting a more visually delightful core user experience
Fetch Rewards app is all about delight and excitement even at a micro-level. My goal with being on the core user experience team was to keep auditing and finding opportunities for adding delight from a visual standpoint to micro-interactions.,

Current Challenges

Today, Provi has a few options for where Display Ads can take the user that showcase a grid of products at the product line item level.
The drawback of these options, however, is that many of the Display Advertisements are featuring a subset of products and aren’t always the entire Supplier’s portfolio, the entire Brand Family, or just a Single Product Line. Suppliers are also paying twice for Advertisements - both for their display ads and the ultimate link the buyer goes to.

The Process

To better understand the challenges, we started looking at doing a thorough discovery keeping our "retailer engagement and conversion" metrics in mind, since eventually, in addition to revenue through ads, it's all about how retailers get the most value out of the Provi marketplace.
My first step involved getting in touch with internal customer support team to get a list of active retailers that we could talk to directly.

We then scheduled interviews with a couple of buyers to understand their decision making process when it comes to how often do they update their drink menu (if restaurants), and if/when they are looking into finding new products, brands, sizes, etc., getting an understanding of what does process might look like.
Collection & Offer DetailsEmpty States
Fun and Vibrant
Rewards are extremely important for Fetch Rewards as a business to provide to their users from an engagement and retention perspective. Any special limited time rewards would need to be designed to be distinguished including Fetch Rewards merchandise

Sponsored Content Hub

After synthesizing all the insights from research activities, talking to internal stakeholders from AdOps, Supplier Sales teams, etc., I started designing the first iteration of Sponsored Content Hub (SCH). An internal custom landing page and content creation tool that allows the suppliers to select from a list of product lines, entire portfolio, brand, etc., and add custom story telling components like recipes, carousels, title, description, spotlight, and more to curate custom storytelling pages.
* Suppliers are able to curate their content and not have to pay twice for Advertisements - both for their Display ad and the ultimate link the retailer goes to next
* Track Impressions and Clicks to content featured on these new curated pages and track conversions
Fetch Rewards - Rewards ScreenFetch Rewards - Other screens
Widgets for core engagement
Utilizing the native features of both iOS and Android devices, I partnered closely with engineers at Fetch and Apple to design custom widgets. Eventually the widgets were featured by Apple with their iOS 15 release.
Fetch Rewards WidgetsFetch Rewards Brand Brackets
Creating Delight + UX Value

Through micro-interactions, we were able to capture more engagement. The user experience felt more natural and intuitive allowing the user to have less frustrating moments.

Cohesive Experience

Creating experiences and components at an atomic level helped made sure the experience was cohesive and consistent across the entire app experience no matter which device the app was used in.